Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Forum Frustration...

Boy oh boy- my very first post on my very own blog. My own place on the vast expanse of the world-wide web. Well- not my first- b/c as everyone else seems to have- i did cave and put up a "myspace" page, although sometimes, i wonder- why? It seems so juvenile in many ways....

Anywho- I am writing today about something thats bothered me time and time again. I belong to many forums on the web, from health to book clubs and everything in between... and I find some of the advice to be so incredibly unreliable- it makes me wonder- why did i even post here in the first place. I am often rationalizing with myself, and very frequently defending myself, when all i wanted was help to a seemingly simple question. Its really starting to annoy me. The so called "Forum Elders" who have nothing better to do than post wise-ass remarks on topics they have no right posting about are really on top of my list. I dont want some loser who sits at home all day long reading and responding to someones love life problems trying to bud in on my serious issue, especially when that someone is a pig headed male (ok, i obviously have it out for a specific "elder") who has nothing better to do than start an argument rather then help a girl in need. Ugh- that is what im dealing with today.... and i hope its not too much of a downer to get this place up and rearing. Im very excited to be here- and hope i have some visitors to say howdie to.