Saturday, March 24, 2007

GM Foods, danger hidden in your supermarkets shelves...

I am appalled at the amount of GM (Genetically Modified) Foods that are lurking in our supermarket shelves- one of the reasons I avoid major supermarket chains and opt for either Whole Foods or my current local mini-chain Mrs. Greens... I even found GM foods at my local Trader Joes in CT- which shocked me. (Honey O's cereal, non organic).

Why should you avoid GM foods? Well- from my research- they are not tested or well researched before ending up in our food supply. We are literally human guinea pigs. Speaking of humans- did you know there will soon be human genes in your Rice? A good read: Is Your Rice Contaminated With Human Genes? by Dr. Mercola:

While your there, do a search on for GM foods, to get a peek at some of the dangers of this food.
You really need to watch "The Future of Food" which is free on You Tube....

Educate yourselves, and opt NOT to buy those foods which could proove very deadly in the long term... do yourselves and your children a favor- its just that simple- dont buy them!!!!! Supply & Demand :)

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